ShineOn Saturday!

This is a great event for girls Pre-K to 5th Grade!! We highly encourage all soccer families with girls this age to participate Please visit their Facebook page for more details.

Thank you all for a successful first summer soccer clinic!

It made us so happy to see our fields full of kids again! The rain cleared up and the sun came out for us but it turned out to be a very HOT morning. We had nearly 60 soccer players show up eager to learn and hone their soccer skills. Each player got a well […]

Good morning Sidney sports families!

The fields may be wet, but the birds are chirping and the sun is peeking out Our soccer clinic starts at 9AM! Remember, this clinic is FREE! There is no pre-registration. Please come dressed in comfortable athletic clothing and shin guards, cleats are not required but may be helpful this morning with the wet grass. […]

BOTTLE DRIVE for the Emery Family!

This amazing family needs the help of our community! The SAA has set up an account at Oakland Redemption Center- all bottle return proceeds will go to help their cause. The account is under Emery Family (or SAA) Donations can also be sent to

Soccer Update!

Registrations will be closing next Friday, September 1st, at 8PM sharp. We will not be able to accept registrations after this date due to our website being down for maintenance. Please make every effort to register as soon as possible! You will get an email from a coach after September 2nd so be on the […]

Looking for volunteers!

Good day folks! With SOCCER SEASON on its way, we are looking for volunteers to help out in our snack shack on Saturdays. We had great success during baseball and softball season and would like to continue that through our upcoming soccer season as well! Come join our relaxed crew, bring a friend and have […]

Sidney Summer Soccer Clinic

The SAA is excited to announce our Summer Soccer Clinic! Reserve your spot here:

Fall Field Clean Up Day will be Sunday August 20th!

When: 8AM-finish Where: Sidney Rec Fields; Recreation Drive We’re looking for volunteers to come down to the Pits and help us get the facility cleaned up after a long summer full of baseball and softball tournaments and to get our fields ready for the soccer season! We will gladly sign off on volunteer hours for […]

2024 Softball Age Chart

Softball parents, Below is the new age chart to calculate a players “Softball age” starting Sept 1, 2023. The age in which your daughter is on Sept 1, 2023 will be her softball age for the 2023 fall season and the 2024 spring and summer season. NOTE: No child will be demoted down a division […]