Spring Sports Information

Spring 2024 Registrations are now closed. Please see Fall Sports Info for more information about our upcoming sports season.

See below for details on our Spring offerings as we prepare for next season:


This is some important information for those who are new to our Spring sports programs this year or for those who just need a quick refresher! Here, you will find information on each spring sport that is available to Sidney resident children, the age restrictions for each division, gear requirements for each division, and other important season information including how to reach us with any questions or concerns.

The SAA offers T-Ball, Baseball and Softball in the Spring season.

The season will start as soon as the snow melts and the fields dry out! This is typically in late April. Announcement for the start of the season will be made on our Sidney Athletic Association Facebook page and you will be notified by your child’s coach.

What Division Should I register my child for?

  • T-BALL

Pre-K and Kindergarten, 6U (6 years old and under). Players must be 4 years old by April 1st to be eligible to play. T-Ball is for our youngest players!



April 1, 2025 is the birth date cut-off for our baseball divisions. The age that the child will be on or before April 1st will be considered their age for the season.

ROOKIES: 8U (8 years old and under), 6-8 year old children. 

MINORS: 10U (10 years old and under), 8-10 year old children. 

MAJORS: 12U (12 years old and under) All 11 and 12 year old children must register for the Majors division. 



September 1, 2024 is the birth date cut-off for our softball divisions. The age that the child was on September 1st will be considered their age for this season.

ROOKIES: 8U (8 years old and under), 6-8 year old children. 

MINORS: 10U (10 years old and under). 8-10 year old children.

MAJORS: 12U (12 years old and under), 11 and 12 year old children.



T-Ball is for our youngest beginners! This division will practice once a week, typically Saturday mornings from 9:00-10:00AM, at our home field in Sidney. They will learn the very basics of the game such as: how to catch a ball with their glove, hit off of a tee, and run to first base after a hit. Parents/guardians are highly encouraged to help out in this division! Coaches are typically just parents themselves and coaching kids at this age can be a lot of work. Let your child’s coach know that you’re available to help out if they need you! Parent involvement at this age is very important. We can always use more help!

Rookies (Baseball & Softball) is the next level in our program, designed to teach kids the fundamentals of the game and help them develop their baseball or softball skills. They typically each have one practice and two games per week (home and away). The games are coach pitch and home-team coach umpired. We do not encourage winning/losing at this age level. The Rookies division is not competitive and there is no scorekeeping so that the kids’ focus is more on learning how real gameplay looks and feels. Rookies Division follows house rules that are decided upon prior to the start of the season amongst the competing town’s coordinators.


Team uniforms will be handed out during our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser (please see more information on that HERE). If you are unable to attend the fundraiser, your team coach will provide your child with their uniform on the first day of practice. The size you requested on your registration form should be available for them. T-Ball and Rookies Division uniforms consist of a team t-shirt and a hat.

Players should be dressed in loose fitting, comfortable and weather appropriate athletic clothing and should wear their team t-shirt and hat to every practice and game. Baseball/softball pants are not required at this age, but are perfectly acceptable.


Minors and Majors baseball is coordinated and run by Messalonskee Cal Ripken organization.

Minors is the earliest division of the Babe Ruth Cal Ripken Baseball League that is available to Messalonskee district children. The Minors division follows all national and state level Cal Ripken league rules. This division is kid-pitch at a 46’ pitching distance, and a 60’ base path. Games will be officiated by umpires whenever possible. Teams will play 3 days per week, consisting of 2 games and 1 practice, with the exception of when it is necessary to make-up previously canceled games.

Majors is the highest division of Babe Ruth Cal Ripken Baseball League that is available to Messalonskee district children. Majors division follows all national and state level Cal Ripken league rules. This division is kid-pitch at a 50’ pitching distance, and a 70’ base path. Games will be officiated by umpires. Teams will play 4 days per week, consisting of 3 games and 1 practice, with the exception of when it is necessary to make-up previously canceled games.


Cal Ripken baseball provides uniforms to all Minors and Majors players at their first practice. The Minors Division will have a uniform consisting of a team t-shirt and hat, while the Major’s Division will have a uniform consisting of a team jersey and hat. The coach will decide what color baseball pants will be needed for that season.

Players should be dressed in loose fitting, comfortable and weather appropriate athletic clothing for practices and be sure to wear their uniforms for each game.


Minors is our next level division of softball that the SAA offers. The Minors division follows all national and state USA Softball (or ASA) league rules. This division is kid-pitch at a 35’ pitching distance, a 60’ base path and uses 11” softballs. Games will be umpired by ASA certified umpires whenever possible. Teams will play no more than 3 events (practice or game) per week with the exception of when it is necessary to make-up previously canceled games.

Majors is our highest division of softball that the SAA offers. The Majors division follows all national and state USA Softball (or ASA) league rules. This division is kid-pitch at a 40’ pitching distance, a 60’ base path and 12” softballs. Games will be officiated by ASA certified umpires. Teams will play no more than 4 events (practice or game) per week with the exception of when it is necessary to make-up previously canceled games.


Team uniforms will be handed out during our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser (please see more information on that HERE). If you are unable to attend the fundraiser, your team coach will provide your child with their uniform on the first day of practice. The size you requested on your registration form should be available for them.

The Minors Division will have a uniform consisting of a team t-shirt and visor. The Majors Division will have a uniform consisting of a team jersey and visor. Black softball pants are recommended for both divisions, but not required. 

Players should be dressed in loose fitting, comfortable and weather appropriate athletic clothing for practices and be sure to wear their uniforms for each game.

What kind of EQUIPMENT does my child need?

Required Equipment:
  • Water Bottle

Each participant, in every division, needs to bring a water bottle to every practice and game. There is no drinking water available at our fields (unless the snack shack is open) and coaches will not provide any unless otherwise specified.

  • Glove

Each participant, in every division, should have a well-fitting glove for every practice and game. If you need assistance in figuring out which glove is best for your child, please check with your coach prior to the start of the season and they would be happy to help you!

  • Softball Face Mask (Minors & Majors ONLY)

Each Minors and Majors SOFTBALL player needs to have a softball face guard or fielder’s mask for personal use for the season. This requirement is for the safety of the child.

Recommended Equipment (NOT required):
  • Cleats

Cleats are not required for any division, but we do recommend them (especially for the older divisions). Proper fitting sneakers are perfectly suitable at every level. Sometimes the fields can be slippery from the dew or rain and wearing cleats can help to get better traction and result in less falls. Please keep in mind, baseball/softball cleats and soccer cleats are designed a little bit differently and are not advised to be used interchangeably.

Provided Equipment:

Baseballs, softballs, tee’s, helmets, bats and catcher’s equipment will all be provided by the coach at each practice or game. You do not need to bring your own. If you do choose to bring any of your own equipment with you, PLEASE make sure that your name is clearly written on it and that you bring it home with you after each practice or game. 

If you have any questions about what your child should have for equipment or attire for the season, please ask their coach prior to the start of the season!

If you require any kind of financial assistance to ensure that your child has the required equipment for the season, please send a private email to sidneymeathletics@gmail.com and the SAA will be happy to work with you to ensure that your child has what they need.

Where are the PLAYING FIELDS?

Home Field: 

Sidney PIT Fields – Recreation Drive, Sidney (Off of Route 104, West River Road)

PIT 1 is located closest to the main road, PIT 2 is the middle field, PIT 3 is located the farthest into the complex. PIT 4 is located behind PIT 2, does not have an infield or dugouts, and is used mainly for use of the batting cages.

Away Fields: 

Oakland’s Pleasant Park Fields – 59 McGrath Pond Road, Oakland

Belgrade’s Central School Fields – 158 Depot Road, Belgrade

*For any additional away games, coaches will inform parents/guardians of the field location.

Parents and Guardians

Parents/guardians may bring chairs or blankets to sit on the sidelines to spectate games and practices. At the PIT fields, we have very limited bleacher seats available at each field for spectators to sit on. Seating space is limited, so you should plan to bring your own. Family and friends are always welcome to cheer on their young player!


Our coaches tend to use email as the primary form of communication about your child’s team happenings, especially at the beginning of the season. Please make sure that you are checking the email address that you provided on your child’s registration form FREQUENTLY so that you do not miss any important updates. Some coaches will use a free sports communication app such as Team Reach or Game Changer to communicate with their team families. The coach will let you know at the start of the season which communication method they plan to use.


Your coach will always let you know, via email or sports communication app, if your child’s game or practice has been cancelled at least one hour prior to the event.

Lost & Found

Any personal items left behind at our fields are left at our snack shack for the item’s owner to claim them. Anything left unclaimed at the end of the season/school year will be thrown away or donated. The SAA and its coaches are not responsible for any personal equipment getting lost or stolen during practices or games.


We are excited to be heading into our 2024 Spring sports season here in Sidney. We hope to have a great turnout this year and wish you all a fantastic season! As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us via messenger on Facebook or via email at sidneymeathletics@gmail.com and someone from the organization will get back to you as soon as possible. Any concerns or complaints can also be sent to sidneymeathletics@gmail.com or directly to the SAA President, Brittany Porter, at bportersaa@gmail.com.

Wishing everyone a fun and safe season! 

Go Sidney!



I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event.

I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win.

I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.

I will require that my child’s coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholds the Coaches Code of Ethics.

I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.

I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.

I will remember that the game is for youth – not adults.

I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child.

I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.

I will help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, or providing transportation.

I will read the National Standards For Youth Sports and do what I can to help all youth sports organizations implement and enforce them.