Community Volunteering

Looking to get more involved in Sidney Athletics?!

The SAA is run ENTIRELY on local community member volunteers. No one is employed to do this work. We rely on our community to come together and make this program great for our kids!

The following are different ways you could help out your Sidney athletics program:


Coaching is a great way to get more involved in Sidney Athletics! We welcome parents, grandparents, and local community members to join our team and help coach our resident kids. You do not need to be an expert in the sport to be a coach!

At the beginning of each sports season, as we are busy getting the kids signed up, we will reach out to the community to organize coaching for the upcoming season. If you are interested in coaching a specific sport, be on the lookout on our facebook page for updates! We are always in need of volunteers to step up and coach.


Interested in the inner workings of the organization? The SAA has a board of directors that meets once a month to manage the activities and affairs of the organization. The board consists of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 5 at large members that are all elected at the annual board meeting in November, and a group of general membership. Each board member serves a term of three years. Officers are required to serve a term of 1 year in their position.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • President
    • The President shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings.
  • Vice President
    • The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, have all of the powers and responsibilities assigned to the President and shall be the second administrative officer.
  • ​​Secretary
    • The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Association; conduct the formal correspondence of the Association, including the notification of meetings and other announcements; and protect and maintain custody of the official minutes and records of the Association.  The Secretary shall maintain the membership rolls of the Association and make recommendations to the Board for membership on behalf of applicants.
  • Treasurer
    • The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Association and shall be authorized to sign all checks, drafts and other payments to and from all accounts.  The Treasurer shall provide financial reports and accountings to the Board, as requested, and shall provide the Association’s statement of financial condition at each Annual Meeting.
  • At Large Members
    • Members at large serve as a liaison to the general membership. They will contribute to various efforts, decision making needs and strategic requirements of the organization.
  • General Membership
    • General members are able to share opinions on various efforts and decision making, but carry no vote on items. General membership allows for the community to be involved in, and have knowledge of, the overall organization and happenings of the SAA.

Board of Directors responsibilities include (but are not limited to):

  • Overseeing financials
  • Organizing registrations, teams, and coaches for three seasons of sports
  • Management of activity and facility scheduling with Oakland and Belgrade teams
  • Maintaining, housing, and purchasing sports equipment
  • Maintenance and monitoring of Sidney Rec Fields


Looking to get more involved but not with as big of a commitment? You can become a general volunteer! We are always looking for a little extra help at the beginning of the soccer season in the fall and at the beginning of the baseball season after a long winter to help ready the fields!

Additionally, we can always use volunteers during our sports season to help out when a coach needs an extra hand with the team! Let us know you’re happy to help by checking off “general volunteer” on your child’s registration form at the beginning of the season.


During the Spring sports season, we appreciate having a parent volunteer for each team designated as the “Dugout Parent”. This volunteer helps out during their kid’s baseball or softball games while coaches are out on the field. Typically, a dugout parent will make sure kids are seated on the bench, not being rowdy or rough housing, not becoming distracted, and are paying attention to the game. Dugout Parents can also serve to keep the batting order lineup and help get kid’s ready with bats and helmets before their turn up to bat. It’s just an extra set of eyes on the kids in the dugout when the coaches aren’t able to be in there.


Not a huge sports person but still want to help? Become a snack shack volunteer! We are always looking for volunteers to help operate the snack shack during games and practices in both the fall and spring sports season. No experience is needed!

The more volunteers we have, the more often we can be open! Snack shack volunteers will help take orders, handle money, serve food and drinks to customers, as well as help clean up at the end of shift. This is a fun way of becoming more involved and you can volunteer as much, or as little as you would like! If you would like to volunteer in the snack shack, please view available shifts at our SignUp Genius page HERE or email us.

If you are interested in getting more involved in the SAA, please reach out to us via facebook messenger or by email at and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.